The Flow Effect

An exploration into the intelligence of your body

A devotion to yourself

A month of daily movement (Mon-Fri)

This is the Flow Effect

Join me for a month of daily yoga practise to connect you to the intelligence of your body and see what will be revealed to you each day.

Explore the challenge of committing to yourself for 22 days of movement,

22 days of attending to yourself - the highest form of self love

Explore the wisdom you hold within

Designed for women who:

  • Feel disconnected from their bodies

  • Find it difficult to decode the messages held within

  • Feel lost in life

  • Unsure how to interpret their emotions and are often overwhelmed

  • Struggle to be with themselves in stillness

Do you desire:

  • to feel deeply connected to your authentic self?

  • to understand and listen to the wise intelligence that lie in the messengers of your emotions, body and breath?

  • to be steeped in self assurance?

  • to know and action your dreams?

Then this course is for you!

By end of these 4 weeks you will be motivated

to take care of yourself,

devote time to feeling your body

and feel confident in

honouring the intelligence of your emotions

By turn of the first month in Celtic year, messages will be revealed to you from your devotion to movement

✔ You will be clear around where you hold resistance in body and mind, understanding this is the gateway to everything you desire

✔ You will have experienced the magic of movement, discovered how to uncover the answers that lie within, and understand your emotions

✔ You will have a deeper understanding of the relationship between the mind and body from the philosophy of yoga

Benefits Beyond Emotional Clarity

  • Reduce inflammation in body by 50% (ie better skin, better digestion, less bloating)

  • A significant difference in flexibility after 22 practises within 4 weeks.

  • Increased strength, you will feel a difference

  • Changes to neuroplasticity of brain, enabling response over reaction (noticeable after just 2 weeks)

  • A significant reduction in cortisol and stress
    - Which slows cellular aging, increases metabolism, strengthens immunity, improves sleep

Tangible benefits will vary for each of you, depending on your environment, your life experience to date and what is currently going on in your life.

My intention in holding this space for you is to offer education around intelligence of body, movement to support you accessing the intelligence and space to listen. 

What to Expect

One week, one theme, one flow

Each day will build on same flow

Week 1.
Spine - connecting to the core of you

Week 2.
Lungs- organ of transformation,ability to change

Week 3.
Digestive systems - letting go, ability to accept

Week 4.
Heart- self love + self worth

→ 22 days of Embodied
Movement Sessions
Weekday Mornings @7am
(recordings available)

→ Community of likeminded
women to connect and support
others on the same path

→ Guidance, support and your
questions answered by Carla
throughout the course

4 week course

22 days of movement

Held over zoom

Nov 1st - 30th


50% off available to Newsletter Subscribers!!!

My Journey with Yoga

When I began my yoga journey, I didn’t know my left from my right. My arm from my leg.

There’s times I arrive on my mat and it happens again. I uncover a message from this confusion that I have left my body and I need come home.

Your body holds the wisdom of your ancestors, your evolution, this is the era of remembering your body’s intelligence.

In words of John O’ Donohue, “The body knows how to love, how to grieve, how to let go, how to create.” Come into her more. 

Everything we say we value is experienced in the body. Why aren’t we spending more time there, and less in thought?

Human life is created through intelligence of the cells no thoughts can create life, organs, blood bones. Step into this intelligence for everything your heart desires.

“I await my deliverance with calm certainty”
