The Wave Effect

Do you want to cultivate and deepen your self worth and self love?

At your core there is a source of the most profound love and an immovable sense of self worth. Trauma big and small disconnects us from the source. This course teaches you the skills that connects you back.

  • Practical practise

  • Education, philosophy and science of healing

  • Community- motivation and inspiration to move in new ways

The Wave Effect

the support and consistency to practise connecting to the source of you power, your body 

identifying resistance and how to overcome

→ a month of self devotion which offers certain transformation

This course is for the women who aren’t new to self care and who are at a turning point. This course can change your life if you are ready. 

Does any of this sound like you?

You are struggling to love yourself, despite really wanting to

You want change in your life and need clarity around next steps, and what you truly want

You want to connect to self worth, to truly know you deserve better in intimate relationships

You want to experience what a month of devotion in community can create for you

You want to taste what putting yourself first achelmises for you

You long to finally commit to yourself, to keep attending, to be motivated, accountable and inspired to do so

You want to learn about the science of healing breath

You know you need answers and change

You know you need to deepen your self love and sense of self worth

This doesn’t need to continue. I’m here to help

It’s time you committed to returning home to yourself….

There is something missing, you feel panicked by the turn of time, mounting pressure underlined with constant tension in your stomach.

In this month together you will have connected to everything you see. Feel deep self assurance in your abilities, your worth and self esteem. More importantly steeped in self agency to take action for the change you so deserve.

The real magic that you will experience is the healing power of a community of women.

Ready to prioritse yourself? Let me help you

A live holistic program, infusing the intelligence of both the mind and body to tap into the whispers of the soul

The Wave Effect

Let’s dive in…

Daily Morning Practice

Join me live every weekday morning for 4 weeks on zoom to sit with ourselves. Sessions will incorporate a mixture of movement, meditation, breathwork and journaling but the predominant focus will be on meditation.

Weekly Q&A Calls

Live calls once a week for education, connection and questions. Allow me to support you on your healing journey so you can uncover what you really want in life.

Supportive Community

Experience the program amongst a tribe of likeminded women who are going through it, same as you. Receive personalised support from Carla in the Facebook group and connect with others on the course.

  • You are navigating change in your life and feel loss

  • You’re motivated to turn inwards but it just never seems to happen lately

  • You’re struggling to show up for yourself

  • You’re caught up in the busyness of life in a world that isn’t designed to support our wellbeing

  • You deeply desire to return to the practices that you know bring you happiness and fulfilment

This is for you if:

  • You if you keep yourself busy all the time as a defense mechanism to avoid emotions and yourself

  • Rest feels immensely uncomfortable. You find it next to impossible to relax

  • You’ve never meditated or attended a yoga class. All of this is completely new

  • You have unprocessed trauma

  • You have no idea how to process your emotions

Wave Effect is the medicine for:

Healing is a journey.

If you are someone who has been traumatised, sitting still has the potential to retraumatise rather than heal.

The Ripple Effect and the Flow Effect were both created with beginners in mind. They are the ideal place to start your journey. They will ease you into the practices and involve plenty of movement to help shift emotions and connect you to your body.

My personal practice has evolved from purely movement (yoga) to now prioritising stillness over movement. At the beginning, I was unable to stay still. I had to move a lot first before I could meditate and even then, the first year of sitting involved great irritation. It is only more recently that I am able to meditate and breathe before movement. Stillness is more valuable to me than movement, so I sit first so that I can give all my energy to meditation as my energy is typically depleted after movement.

Everyone has their own unique story which brings their own unique needs. Your path is yours to walk at a pace that suits you.

Available Soon!

Available Now!

This could be you…

“[I was] struggling with grief and past traumas. [I wanted] help with regulating emotional responses. Hoped to achieve some more clarity and calm.

[The] sense of calm after morning breathwork, better able to cope with life's little moments. [I’m] feeling the effects in many different real ways, almost immediately.

Finishing the course feeling really motivated to make this a long-term practice.”

- J

“[I was dealing with] stress & burnout. Looking for new tools to release stress.

[The best thing about the course was] gifting myself the time each morning & by the end how instantly my body felt relaxed when I began the breathing practice.

[I recommend Carla’s courses] because the world needs more unapologetically relaxed, outspoken & unafraid women.

- Giordan

“[I was] feeling less confident in myself. I wanted connection and self discovery

[The best thing about the course was] connecting to myself. Leaning into appreciating myself again and experiencing love and space for people and places too.

I 100% feel less anxious, more connected to myself and others around me. More gratitude too. I feel more headspace for work too.”

- Ros

“I joined the Wave Effect to help with my grief, anxiety and depression. I had completely lost myself following trauma and overwhelm and hoped that the course would help me with self compassion.

The best things about my experience were the opportunity to work with Carla, who is a wonderful teacher and who holds such a gorgeous, safe and supportive space for healing and the opportunity to connect with a beautiful group of inspirational women.

The course has motivated me to re-engage with self enquiry following deep depression.

I would recommend the Wave Effect to everyone because I found it to be an amazing experience to deepen self-connection.”

- Dr Lynda

What to Expect

Week 1.
Spine - connecting to the core of you

Week 2.
Lungs- organ of transformation,ability to change

Week 3.
Digestive systems - letting go, ability to accept

Week 4.
Heart- self love + self worth

→ 20 days of Breathwork,
Meditations and Embodied
Weekday Mornings @7am
(recordings available)

→ Community of likeminded
women to connect and support
others on the same path

→ Guidance, support and your
questions answered by Carla
throughout the course

4 week course

20 days of practice

Held over zoom

Starting Apr 3rd


Carla has ten years experience in teaching yoga and offers therapy of breathwork and somatics. Carla trained in Bali working with leading pioneers in healing. She helps women heal and get really clear on what they want. 

Creating a life rich in authenticity, self agency and connection.  

Carla has helped 1000s of women change their lives and would love to support you too.

About Carla